Monday, June 29, 2009

How far along? 36 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 24 lbs. since becoming pregnant.
Maternity clothes? Bare minimum, mostly elastic waisted shorts and yoga pants on bottom and long tanks on top.
Sleep: Becoming harder and harder. Thanks, Mother-Nature, for preparing me for a newborn!
Best moment this week: Everywhere in public, people just smile and say "it's another boy, isn't it?" That makes me laugh.
Movement: Movement is too benign of a word...more like karate kicks and my ribs.
Food cravings: Not really.
Gender: Another boy to love. Nolan Patrick!
Labor Signs: Yes, lots of Braxton Hicks contractions and nesting and other stuff ;)
Belly Button in or out? Couldn't be more out.
Stretch Marks? No, thanks!
What I miss: Not having heart burn nearly every day.
What I am looking forward to: Delivery...weird I know...but then I will be able to breathe again!
Weekly Wisdom: Just the other day Bryan asked me "where exactly are your stomach muscles right now?" Me: "Um, curled up waving a white flag I'm sure." Later I secretly had to google it because I wasn't entirely sure what happens to them.
Milestones: Baby is considered full term in a week! And we are 100% ready for him now. Still need to pack bags for the mad dash to the hospital though.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lots of Stripes

{An array of stripes, truck patterns, and baseball themed jumpers}

Do you think Nolan has a sufficient wardrobe for someone that isn't even born yet?

All the clothes up to 6 months old are washed and ready to go! I have to admit it was a little fun to go through them all again and recall Warren and Jack wearing them. And to think of all the new memories that will take place in these little outfits.

I am even going to pack our bags for the hospital this week since I am having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions and just generally feel like this baby will be at least a little earlier than the due date of July 25th.

Just about due for another belly picture!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The two weeks between each prenatal appointment go by so quickly these days. It is a good thing for my nerves and my nesting that the crib is all set up and ready. I am having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions and getting more excited by the day to have another baby. I can't wait to hold him and nurse him and watch him for hours as he sleeps.

I had an appointment yesterday and everything is perfect. The weight gain has slowed down a bit (only one pound gain in two weeks), which I am sort of glad for. I am still under 140, so I don't think I will break the 150 marker this time around. The baby measures perfectly and is very active still. The doctor said he couldn't tell if he is head down yet but I know he is based on feeling little feet in my ribs, oh and actually seeing them travel across my upper belly. That is something you just never get used to!